Completed Feature Proposals

Proposals that have been completed following the release process.This page uses 2 URL parameters. release (no default), and state (default MergedToCore )

Completed Proposals (Merged to core or to default plugin)

| [[%FEAT%/AJAXOnDemandCheckersForConfigure][AJAXOnDemandCheckersForConfigure]] | Update configure to allow Ajax based (fast) checking |
| [[%FEAT%/AddAWayToShiftHeadingLevels][AddAWayToShiftHeadingLevels]] | Add a =headershift= parameter to adjusted included header levels |
| [[%FEAT%/AddAltParamToICON][AddAltParamToICON]] | Add an alt parameter to ICON |
| [[%FEAT%/AddAngleBracketsToFormatTokens][AddAngleBracketsToFormatTokens]] | Add Angle Brackets (< and >) to format tokens  |
| [[%FEAT%/AddAutoViewTemplatePlugintoFoswiki][AddAutoViewTemplatePlugintoFoswiki]] | Extensions.AutoViewTemplatePlugin standardises the name of the skin page used for showing a topic with a form. We should merge it to core and install on |
| [[%FEAT%/AddConcatOptionToAttrs][AddConcatOptionToAttrs]] | Add +"more" and key+"more" options to Foswiki::Attrs |
| [[%FEAT%/AddDataToRegistrationHandler][AddDataToRegistrationHandler]] | Add the registration data to the parameters of the registrationHandler |
| [[%FEAT%/AddDefaultTopicParameterToINCLUDE][AddDefaultTopicParameterToINCLUDE]] | allow a list of topics to be specified so that we can use INCLUDE to allow customisation of shipped topic elements. |
| [[%FEAT%/AddDefaultValueToSTARTSECTION][AddDefaultValueToSTARTSECTION]] | Add default value to STARTSECTION |
| [[%FEAT%/AddDefaultsToFields][AddDefaultsToFields]] | Need to specify defaults on radio and checkbox fields |
| [[%FEAT%/AddEXPANDMacro][AddEXPANDMacro]] | EXPAND macro will enable cross-topic macro expansion |
| [[%FEAT%/AddEarlyPluginHandler][AddEarlyPluginHandler]] | Add a preload handler for plugins |
| [[%FEAT%/AddExtensionRepositoriesToFoswikiOrg][AddExtensionRepositoriesToFoswikiOrg]] | Add Testing and Archive repositories to |
| [[%FEAT%/AddFamFamFamContribToCore][AddFamFamFamContribToCore]] | Add FamFamFamContrib to the Core |
| [[%FEAT%/AddFinishHandler][AddFinishHandler]] | Add a finishHandler() for plugins |
| [[%FEAT%/AddFooterParameterToSEARCH][AddFooterParameterToSEARCH]] | Add footer parameter to SEARCH to match the header |
| [[%FEAT%/AddFoswikiFuncGetScriptUrlPath][AddFoswikiFuncGetScriptUrlPath]] | Add a =Foswiki::Func::getScriptUrlPath()= API |
| [[%FEAT%/AddGenerateRandomString][AddGenerateRandomString]] | Add a function to generate a cryptographically secure random string |
| [[%FEAT%/AddGitHubToReleaseDistributionSites][AddGitHubToReleaseDistributionSites]] | Use GitHub "Releases" feature to distribute Foswiki |
| [[%FEAT%/AddJsViews][AddJsViews]] | Please consider adding JsViews library |
| [[%FEAT%/AddLateInitPlugin][AddLateInitPlugin]] | Add a lateInitPlugin() handler for plugins |
| [[%FEAT%/AddMatchOperatorToQueryLanguage][AddMatchOperatorToQueryLanguage]] | Add match operator to query language |
| [[%FEAT%/AddMetaParentTopic][AddMetaParentTopic]] | add topic="xyz" parameter to %META{"parent" ... |
| [[%FEAT%/AddNatEditToCore][AddNatEditToCore]] | Let's add NatEdit to the core |
| [[%FEAT%/AddNoProxyFeature][AddNoProxyFeature]] | Add a 'NoProxy' configuration option to Foswiki::Net |
| [[%FEAT%/AddNumberOfTopicsToFormattedSearch][AddNumberOfTopicsToFormattedSearch]] | Add number of topics to formatted search |
| [[%FEAT%/AddOperatorsToQueries][AddOperatorsToQueries]] | Add missing operators to query search and %IF |
| [[%FEAT%/AddOptionalRegistrationEmailValidation][AddOptionalRegistrationEmailValidation]] | Add more email controls to UI::Register.  Options to filter Email Address, and/or force unique Email Address. |
| [[%FEAT%/AddPackageNavigationToPerlDoc][AddPackageNavigationToPerlDoc]] | Add package navigation to Perl Doc |
| [[%FEAT%/AddPagingToAllDistributedSearchTopics][AddPagingToAllDistributedSearchTopics]] | Add Paging To All Distributed Search Topics |
| [[%FEAT%/AddPendingRegistrationsReport][AddPendingRegistrationsReport]] | Report on pending Registration email confirmations or approvals. |
| [[%FEAT%/AddPlusValuesToRadioAndCheckboxes][AddPlusValuesToRadioAndCheckboxes]] | Add +values to radio and checkbox formfields |
| [[%FEAT%/AddRegistrationTokenToUserinfo][AddRegistrationTokenToUserinfo]] | Add $registration token to USERINFO |
| [[%FEAT%/AddRegistrationValidationHandler][AddRegistrationValidationHandler]] | Add a plugins handler for registration validation |
| [[%FEAT%/AddRequestSetToCore][AddRequestSetToCore]] | Add ?Set+ etc to the core |
| [[%FEAT%/AddSMELLToPerlDoc][AddSMELLToPerlDoc]] | Add SMELL, FIXME and TODO report to PerlDoc |
| [[%FEAT%/AddStaticContext][AddStaticContext]] | Add a =static= context  |
| [[%FEAT%/AddTimeFeaturesToAttachmentLinks][AddTimeFeaturesToAttachmentLinks]] | Add date formatting tokens to attachment links |
| [[%FEAT%/AddUpdatesPluginToDefaultRelease][AddUpdatesPluginToDefaultRelease]] | Add UpdatesPlugin to default release |
| [[%FEAT%/AddUserToGroupsOnRegistration][AddUserToGroupsOnRegistration]] | Add User To Groups On Registration |
| [[%FEAT%/AddWebParamToAllCgiScripts][AddWebParamToAllCgiScripts]] | add a defaultweb= parameter to all cgi scripts |
| [[%FEAT%/AdminApprovalOfNewUsers][AdminApprovalOfNewUsers]] | Should be able to audit new registrations |
| [[%FEAT%/AllowGuestsToUseRESTAsDefault][AllowGuestsToUseRESTAsDefault]] | Remove =rest= from the default list of AuthScripts |
| [[%FEAT%/AllowJSCalendarContribToUseTimePicker][AllowJSCalendarContribToUseTimePicker]] | System.JSCalendarContrib shall be corrected to allow usage of the built-in Time-Picker |
| [[%FEAT%/AllowLocalConfigurationForJSCalendarContrib][AllowLocalConfigurationForJSCalendarContrib]] | Allowing local JSCalendarContrib configuration  |
| [[%FEAT%/AllowLoginUsingEmailAddress][AllowLoginUsingEmailAddress]] | AllowLoginUsingEmailAddress |
| [[%FEAT%/BetterPluginPackageDiagnostics][BetterPluginPackageDiagnostics]] | It is helpful to upgraders to know which package Foswiki uses for each plugin |
| [[%FEAT%/CancelButtonsShouldUseViewScript][CancelButtonsShouldUseViewScript]] | Never POST to a save script for purposes of cancelling an update |
| [[%FEAT%/ChangeApacheAuthToDigest][ChangeApacheAuthToDigest]] | Change (or Add in Addition) Apache Digest Auth |
| [[%FEAT%/ChangeDefaultHtpasswdEncoding][ChangeDefaultHtpasswdEncoding]] | Change the default encoding from =crypt= to =apache-md5= |
| [[%FEAT%/ChangeRenameBehaviourOnRenamingLinks][ChangeRenameBehaviourOnRenamingLinks]] | Renaming links is currently too greedy on what it changes |
| [[%FEAT%/ClarifyReleaseProcessForCoreExtensions][ClarifyReleaseProcessForCoreExtensions]] | Clarify the core extension release process. |
| [[%FEAT%/CleanUpNewUserTemplate][CleanUpNewUserTemplate]] | Clean Up NewUserTemplate |
| [[%FEAT%/CleanUpWebPreferences][CleanUpWebPreferences]] | Clean up WebPreferences |
| [[%FEAT%/CleanerConfigurePluginsPane][CleanerConfigurePluginsPane]] | The bin/configure Plugins pane should be more compacted and sorted by enabled state |
| [[%FEAT%/CleanerSyntaxForMetaDataAccess][CleanerSyntaxForMetaDataAccess]] | Support a cleaner syntax for quizzing meta-data |
| [[%FEAT%/CloneTopicLinkUnderMore][CloneTopicLinkUnderMore]] | Clone topic feature in More screen |
| [[%FEAT%/CompleteMIMESupportInEmail][CompleteMIMESupportInEmail]] | Wrap all outgoing mails into uniform and safe MIME envelope. |
| [[%FEAT%/ConfigurableCookieNamesAndPaths][ConfigurableCookieNamesAndPaths]] | Make cookie path and names configurable |
| [[%FEAT%/ConfigureGuessedDirectoriesOnWin32][ConfigureGuessedDirectoriesOnWin32]] | Foswiki guesses the paths and complains about backslashes on Win32 |
| [[%FEAT%/ConfigureScript][ConfigureScript]] | Configure Extension autoinstaller should remove be able to uninstall |
| [[%FEAT%/ConsistentFormFieldValues][ConsistentFormFieldValues]] | Consistently displaying form field values |
| [[%FEAT%/ContinueCanonicalSCRIPTURLDev][ContinueCanonicalSCRIPTURLDev]] | Continue extending the canonical form of the SCRIPT / PUB URL macros |
| [[%FEAT%/ControlFoswikiTemporaryFileLocations][ControlFoswikiTemporaryFileLocations]] | Explicitly control the storage location of temporary files used by Foswiki |
| [[%FEAT%/ControlOverVariableExpansion][ControlOverVariableExpansion]] | Control over Variable Expansion |
| [[%FEAT%/ConvertToModernPerlVersionStrings][ConvertToModernPerlVersionStrings]] | Convert to modern perl version strings |
| [[%FEAT%/CustomNewUserTemplates][CustomNewUserTemplates]] | Enhance register script to specify a =templatetopic= param instead of hard-coded 'NewUserTemplate' |
| [[%FEAT%/DebugPreferenceSettings][DebugPreferenceSettings]] | Add simple debugging feature for macro values |
| [[%FEAT%/DelegateMoreProcessingToSearchAlgorithm][DelegateMoreProcessingToSearchAlgorithm]] | Delegate More Processing To SearchAlgorithm |
| [[%FEAT%/DemandParseTables][DemandParseTables]] | Demand-parsing of tables would solve several outstanding problems |
| [[%FEAT%/DeprecateAfterAttachmentSaveHandler][DeprecateAfterAttachmentSaveHandler]] | Deprecate afterAttachmentSaveHandler |
| [[%FEAT%/DeprecateAllowInlineScript][DeprecateAllowInlineScript]] | Deprecate {AllowInlineScript} option in configure |
| [[%FEAT%/DeprecateApacheHtpasswdModule][DeprecateApacheHtpasswdModule]] | Deprecate ApacheHtpasswd Module |
| [[%FEAT%/DeprecateHTTPandHTTPS][DeprecateHTTPandHTTPS]] | Deprecate and restrict System.VarHTTP and System.VarHTTPS macros due to security concerns |
| [[%FEAT%/DoWeNeedToShipClassicSkin][DoWeNeedToShipClassicSkin]] | remove Classic skin, its 10 years old and no-one loves it. |
| [[%FEAT%/DocumentAlreadySupportedFuncQueryOptions][DocumentAlreadySupportedFuncQueryOptions]] | Document two important parameters for Foswiki::Func::query |
| [[%FEAT%/ENCODEnlsToBR][ENCODEnlsToBR]] | ENCODE newlines in a string to BR |
| [[%FEAT%/EngineContribsAsCoreExtensions][EngineContribsAsCoreExtensions]] | Ship FastCGIEngineContrib and ModPerlEngineContrib as core extensions |
| [[%FEAT%/EnginesAsContribs][EnginesAsContribs]] | Foswiki Engines distributed as Contribs |
| [[%FEAT%/EnhanceConfigureLogging][EnhanceConfigureLogging]] | Enhance Configure Logging |
| [[%FEAT%/Enhancei18nArchitecture][Enhancei18nArchitecture]] | Enable internationalisation of plugins |
| [[%FEAT%/EscapeTmlInEditor][EscapeTmlInEditor]] | Add a little UI to make it easier to escape TML |
| [[%FEAT%/ExpertOptionForCookieDomainRealm][ExpertOptionForCookieDomainRealm]] | Make the login managers cookie (domain) realm configurable. |
| [[%FEAT%/ExtraResponseHeaderFields][ExtraResponseHeaderFields]] | Adding the script and uri to the header on a reponse help a lot when using asyncron ajax calls |
| [[%FEAT%/ExtractAndCentralizeFormattingRefactor][ExtractAndCentralizeFormattingRefactor]] | Refactor format rendering to use FoswikiIterators (adds paging, consistency and speed) |
| [[%FEAT%/FallBackToTopicWhenTrailingSpaceAndNoSuchSubweb][FallBackToTopicWhenTrailingSpaceAndNoSuchSubweb]] | Fallback To Topic  When URL has Trailing Space And No Subweb exists but topic does |
| [[%FEAT%/FasterAccessToCreatorData][FasterAccessToCreatorData]] | Store creator and create date in metadata to improve performance |
| [[%FEAT%/FoswikiCache][FoswikiCache]] | A pluggable caching service and built-in HTML page cache |
| [[%FEAT%/FoswikiOrgShouldUseSSL][FoswikiOrgShouldUseSSL]] | should implement SSL |
| [[%FEAT%/FoswikiStandAloneFeature][FoswikiStandAloneFeature]] |  |
| [[%FEAT%/GeneralSortingMechanism][GeneralSortingMechanism]] | Add Sort::Maker to distributed CPAN libs |
| [[%FEAT%/HideIrrelevantConfigureOptions][HideIrrelevantConfigureOptions]] | Configure has too many options, and often they are irrelevant |
| [[%FEAT%/HtmlAttributesShouldUseSingleQuotes][HtmlAttributesShouldUseSingleQuotes]] | HTML attributes should use single quotes |
| [[%FEAT%/ImplementAddMeToAdminButton][ImplementAddMeToAdminButton]] | Implement the UI suggested by Crawford in the AddFurtherControlsOnSudo proposal |
| [[%FEAT%/ImplementAdditiveTopicACLs][ImplementAdditiveTopicACLs]] | Implement "additive" Topic level ACLs |
| [[%FEAT%/ImproveAttachmentToTrashFlow][ImproveAttachmentToTrashFlow]] | Improve attachment-to-Trash flow |
| [[%FEAT%/ImproveBulkRegistration][ImproveBulkRegistration]] | Make bulk registration a bit easier to set up and use |
| [[%FEAT%/ImproveExtensionBackupProcess][ImproveExtensionBackupProcess]] | should create a backup archive for extensions. |
| [[%FEAT%/ImproveHtPaswdUserFlexibility][ImproveHtPaswdUserFlexibility]] | Support multiple password encodings for existing users. |
| [[%FEAT%/ImprovePageLoadTime][ImprovePageLoadTime]] | Improve Page Load Time |
| [[%FEAT%/ImprovePasswordResetProcess][ImprovePasswordResetProcess]] | Improve security of password reset. |
| [[%FEAT%/ImproveSearchResultsList][ImproveSearchResultsList]] | Improve the readability of search results |
| [[%FEAT%/ImproveStatisticsHandlingForMissingTopics][ImproveStatisticsHandlingForMissingTopics]] | Add option to allow statistics script to auto-create missing topics, also add more authorization checks. |
| [[%FEAT%/ImproveSupportForComments][ImproveSupportForComments]] | Support comment syntax in topics and topic templates |
| [[%FEAT%/ImproveWebSearchPages][ImproveWebSearchPages]] | Integrate WebSearch, WebSearchAdvanced, Alphabetical search and SearchHelp  |
| [[%FEAT%/InGMTIMESupportTwoDigitWeek][InGMTIMESupportTwoDigitWeek]] | Suggestion for true two-digit week format in GMTIME |
| [[%FEAT%/IncreaseCacheControlMaxAgeForSystemWeb][IncreaseCacheControlMaxAgeForSystemWeb]] | Increase =max-age= for static webs |
| [[%FEAT%/InheritWikiLinksTopics][InheritWikiLinksTopics]] | Allow a hierarchy of System.InterWikis topics |
| [[%FEAT%/InterwikiPluginMacroExpansionCustomURLs][InterwikiPluginMacroExpansionCustomURLs]] | We need some minor InterwikiPlugin enhancements to better support the Github migration |
| [[%FEAT%/IntroduceForceDefaultUrlHostToggle][IntroduceForceDefaultUrlHostToggle]] | Sometimes its necessary to force the hostname set in {DefaultUrlHost}. |
| [[%FEAT%/IsManagingEmailsShouldBeConfigurable][IsManagingEmailsShouldBeConfigurable]] | Would be nice if managing emails in was configurable |
| [[%FEAT%/LinksInPreview][LinksInPreview]] | It would be useful to have links enabled in edit previews |
| [[%FEAT%/MacroToListInstalledFormFieldTypes][MacroToListInstalledFormFieldTypes]] | MacroToListInstalledFormFieldTypes |
| [[%FEAT%/MakeItEasierToBlockSystemWebGuestAccess][MakeItEasierToBlockSystemWebGuestAccess]] | Simplify hiding the System web documentation. |
| [[%FEAT%/MakeSEARCHResultPartitioningByWebOptional][MakeSEARCHResultPartitioningByWebOptional]] | SEARCH rendering is __always__ partitioned by web |
| [[%FEAT%/MakeStartPageCOnfigurable][MakeStartPageCOnfigurable]] | Add HomePagePlugin as a core extension |
| [[%FEAT%/MakeUserRegistrationAsLeanAsPossible][MakeUserRegistrationAsLeanAsPossible]] | Make UserRegistration as lean as possible |
| [[%FEAT%/MakeUserRegistrationCustomizable][MakeUserRegistrationCustomizable]] | Make UserRegistration customizable |
| [[%FEAT%/MakeZonesLessIntrusive][MakeZonesLessIntrusive]] | Make zones less intrusive, especially for non-HTML output |
| [[%FEAT%/MeasureAndReportScriptTiming][MeasureAndReportScriptTiming]] | Measure and report Script timing |
| [[%FEAT%/MoveCPANLibToSeparateContrib][MoveCPANLibToSeparateContrib]] | Move foswiki core lib/CPAN into its own CpanContrib |
| [[%FEAT%/MoveCodeRepositoryToGit][MoveCodeRepositoryToGit]] | migrate from Subversion to git |
| [[%FEAT%/MoveLogsToWorking][MoveLogsToWorking]] | Move logs to 'working' |
| [[%FEAT%/MoveQueryPathParsingIntoFoswikiRequest][MoveQueryPathParsingIntoFoswikiRequest]] | Make Foswiki::Request responsible for parsing the query path and identifying the Web, Topic & Attachment. |
| [[%FEAT%/MoveToJQuery][MoveToJQuery]] | Enhance PatternSkin to use jQuery |
| [[%FEAT%/MultiStoreRefactor][MultiStoreRefactor]] | Refactor the Store to allow multiple plugable backends |
| [[%FEAT%/NewTopicLinkNotAQuestionMark][NewTopicLinkNotAQuestionMark]] | New topic link should not have a question mark |
| [[%FEAT%/NormaliseRegexSyntax][NormaliseRegexSyntax]] | Agree on a minimum syntax for regexes |
| [[%FEAT%/OneStepUserDeletion][OneStepUserDeletion]] | Create mechanism for easy user deletion - Move AntiWikiSpamPlugin remove user code to core. |
| [[%FEAT%/OpenLinkInNewWndow][OpenLinkInNewWndow]] | I want to enforce the opening of an new browser window |
| [[%FEAT%/OptionToAddServerTimeToEmailHeaders][OptionToAddServerTimeToEmailHeaders]] | Would be nice to have an option to have foswiki send email with local timezone headers instead of gmt |
| [[%FEAT%/OtherInstallersShouldNotLinkToOldReleases][OtherInstallersShouldNotLinkToOldReleases]] | We should have a policy on how far back we go with packages for old Foswiki installers |
| [[%FEAT%/ParameterizedGroupsMacro][ParameterizedGroupsMacro]] | Add =format= and other stuff to the GROUPS macro |
| [[%FEAT%/ParameterizedVariables][ParameterizedVariables]] | Discussion on implementing parameterized variables |
| [[%FEAT%/ParamsInSquabs][ParamsInSquabs]] | Allow params in a squab view Page?p=data |
| [[%FEAT%/PluggableAccessControlImplementation][PluggableAccessControlImplementation]] | Pluggable Access Control Implementation |
| [[%FEAT%/ProcessAddToHeadAdds][ProcessAddToHeadAdds]] | Process addToHEAD adds |
| [[%FEAT%/RcsLite][RcsLite]] | write a pure perl replacement for rcs and use it as a Store impl. |
| [[%FEAT%/RecodeSearchCgi][RecodeSearchCgi]] | recode the search cgi to show view/System/WebSearch |
| [[%FEAT%/RecursiveTMPLDefinitions][RecursiveTMPLDefinitions]] | Enhance TMPL:DEF to allow recursive definition of template elements. |
| [[%FEAT%/RedesignLoggerAPI][RedesignLoggerAPI]] | Modernize the Log API |
| [[%FEAT%/RefactorACLCheckOnResultSetAsFilter][RefactorACLCheckOnResultSetAsFilter]] | Refactor ACL Check and Pager on ResultSet As Filter |
| [[%FEAT%/RegisteredCalculateMacro][RegisteredCalculateMacro]] | Implement a CALCULATE macro as a registered macro |
| [[%FEAT%/RemoveClassicSkin][RemoveClassicSkin]] | Let us remove Classic Skin |
| [[%FEAT%/RemoveDeprecatedEmptyDENYRule][RemoveDeprecatedEmptyDENYRule]] | Finish off the deprecation of the empty DENY* Rules started back on TWiki |
| [[%FEAT%/RemoveHomegrownFoswikiNetCode][RemoveHomegrownFoswikiNetCode]] | Remove the homegrown Foswiki::Net code that  |
| [[%FEAT%/RemoveRedirectCGIQueryHandler][RemoveRedirectCGIQueryHandler]] | Remove the unused and dangerous redirectCGIQueryHandler |
| [[%FEAT%/RemoveTaintCheckingFromFoswiki][RemoveTaintCheckingFromFoswiki]] | Remove the -T flag from the foswiki scripts |
| [[%FEAT%/RenamingAttachments][RenamingAttachments]] | Allow Renaming of Attachments |
| [[%FEAT%/ReplaceConfigureWithConfigurePlugin][ReplaceConfigureWithConfigurePlugin]] | Foswiki should with no or very minimal configuration |
| [[%FEAT%/ReplaceEditTablePluginWithEditRowPlugin][ReplaceEditTablePluginWithEditRowPlugin]] | replace edit table plugin with edit row plugin |
| [[%FEAT%/RequirePerl588][RequirePerl588]] | Move to 5.8.8 for various reasons |
| [[%FEAT%/ResultSets][ResultSets]] | Result Sets to abstract search results, lists, and GROUP definition |
| [[%FEAT%/SMIMESupportInMail][SMIMESupportInMail]] | Add SMIME support in email |
| [[%FEAT%/SaferURLPARAMasDefault][SaferURLPARAMasDefault]] | Safer URLPARAM as default |
| [[%FEAT%/SandboxWebNameShouldBeMapped][SandboxWebNameShouldBeMapped]] | The Sandbox Web name should be mapped through a config variable (2.0) |
| [[%FEAT%/ScanForMissingPerlModules][ScanForMissingPerlModules]] | It would be cool to ease Perl module installation or at least to simplify figuring out what is missing |
| [[%FEAT%/SearchNeedsAltParameter][SearchNeedsAltParameter]] | SEARCH needs an alt parameter in case of zero results |
| [[%FEAT%/SearchOrderingOnMultipleFields][SearchOrderingOnMultipleFields]] | Search ordering on multiple fields |
| [[%FEAT%/SearchResultsPagination][SearchResultsPagination]] | Search results pagination |
| [[%FEAT%/SearchSeparatorDefaultHeaderFooter][SearchSeparatorDefaultHeaderFooter]] | SEARCH separator as newline after header and before footer ONLY when separator is not specified |
| [[%FEAT%/SettingAndGettingVariablesUsingMacros][SettingAndGettingVariablesUsingMacros]] | Setting Variables Using Macros |
| [[%FEAT%/ShipCompareRevisionsAddOnWithFoswiki01x01][ShipCompareRevisionsAddOnWithFoswiki01x01]] | Ship Extensions.CompareRevisionsAddOn with Foswiki 1.1 |
| [[%FEAT%/ShipHistoryPluginWithFoswiki01x01][ShipHistoryPluginWithFoswiki01x01]] | Ship Extensions.HistoryPlugin with Foswiki 1.1 |
| [[%FEAT%/ShipSubscribePluginWithFoswiki01x01][ShipSubscribePluginWithFoswiki01x01]] | Ship the SubscribePlugin with Foswiki 1.2 |
| [[%FEAT%/ShorterUrlSupport][ShorterUrlSupport]] | Support in for Shorter URLs, ommiting HomeWeb and WebHome |
| [[%FEAT%/SimplifyExtensionReleaseForms][SimplifyExtensionReleaseForms]] | Too many forms make head hurt |
| [[%FEAT%/SimplifySearchTemplates][SimplifySearchTemplates]] | replace the SPLIT and REPEAT mess in the search templates |
| [[%FEAT%/SoftAsserts][SoftAsserts]] | A soft-failure-mode for ASSERTs |
| [[%FEAT%/SpecFileSyntaxEnhancements][SpecFileSyntaxEnhancements]] | Configure .spec file syntax needs improvments |
| [[%FEAT%/SplitArgumentsinMAKETEXT][SplitArgumentsinMAKETEXT]] | Allow passing MAKETEXT's placeholder arguments separately |
| [[%FEAT%/SplitTopicAttachmentNameFilters][SplitTopicAttachmentNameFilters]] | Separate the topic and attachment name filters, allow spaces in attachment names, remove colon from Topic names. |
| [[%FEAT%/SpreadSheetPluginFourNewFunctions][SpreadSheetPluginFourNewFunctions]] | New $EMPTY(), $LEFTSTRING(), $RIGHTSTRING(), SUBSTRING() functions to SpreadSheetPlugin |
| [[%FEAT%/SummaryBasedOnSearchTerms][SummaryBasedOnSearchTerms]] | Make topic summary optionally based on search terms |
| [[%FEAT%/SupportAllMacrosInTemplateTopics][SupportAllMacrosInTemplateTopics]] | Support all macros in template topics |
| [[%FEAT%/SupportBlockquoteAndIndenting][SupportBlockquoteAndIndenting]] | Support =<blockquote>= and paragraph indenting in TinyMCEPlugin |
| [[%FEAT%/SupportCommaFormattingToken][SupportCommaFormattingToken]] | Support , formatting token |
| [[%FEAT%/SupportDollarPercent][SupportDollarPercent]] | Also allow token to be spelled percent you avoid a common error |
| [[%FEAT%/SupportSSLandTLSforSMTP][SupportSSLandTLSforSMTP]] | Add support for SSL and TLS transport for SMTP |
| [[%FEAT%/SupportShorterACRONYMS][SupportShorterACRONYMS]] | We need support in my company for two letter ACRONYMS |
| [[%FEAT%/SupportStrippingIPsFromLogfiles][SupportStrippingIPsFromLogfiles]] | Allow switching off IP logging in logfiles |
| [[%FEAT%/TestLighttpdWebserver][TestLighttpdWebserver]] | a simple lighttpd configuration and laucher script for testing/development purposes |
| [[%FEAT%/ThinPrefsProposal][ThinPrefsProposal]] | Thin Prefs Mechanism |
| [[%FEAT%/TocFailsForIdenticalHeadingNames][TocFailsForIdenticalHeadingNames]] | Headings with same text generate same anchor, and TOC doesn't work |
| [[%FEAT%/TopicAddressing][TopicAddressing]] | Consistent methods for breaking apart topic names/"addresses" |
| [[%FEAT%/TopicMovedMessageTooVisible][TopicMovedMessageTooVisible]] | Topic moved message at the bottom of normal view is too visible. Move to diff page |
| [[%FEAT%/USERINFOisTooRestrictive][USERINFOisTooRestrictive]] | Allow USERINFO macro to display users that are not view restricted |
| [[%FEAT%/UnicodeSupport][UnicodeSupport]] | Investigate Unicode support for Foswiki |
| [[%FEAT%/UnifyUnitTests][UnifyUnitTests]] | Move to a single Unit Test suite that runs on multiple branches. |
| [[%FEAT%/UrlparamPreventNewlineSubstitution][UrlparamPreventNewlineSubstitution]] | URLPARAM: Don't encode newline parameter substition |
| [[%FEAT%/Use401ForCookieAuth][Use401ForCookieAuth]] | Return 401 instead of 200 for auth failures |
| [[%FEAT%/UseRelativeLinksByDefault][UseRelativeLinksByDefault]] | Templates and Topics should use SCRIPTURLPATH  |
| [[%FEAT%/UseUTF8][UseUTF8]] | Use UTF8 as the encoding for all stored content |
| [[%FEAT%/UseUTF8PerlRequirements][UseUTF8PerlRequirements]] | Upgrade to Perl version best for UTF8 |
| [[%FEAT%/UseVariableForSignature][UseVariableForSignature]] | Make the signature format a variable |
| [[%FEAT%/UseXForwardedForHeader][UseXForwardedForHeader]] | Optionally get client IP from the X-Forwarded-For header. |
| [[%FEAT%/VarFORMFIELDMissingThirdDefaultParameter][VarFORMFIELDMissingThirdDefaultParameter]] | System.VarFORMFIELD is missing a default parameter option when the field is not instantiated in the topic |
Number of topics: 198

Proposals that were implemented as non-default Plugin

(these may be rejected proposals where the developer decided to implement the feature as plugin or other extension instead)

Topic Summary Tasks Item Developer Release
AddMetaSetActionToEditAndSave Set any addressable topic element from save   SvenDowideit
AddTaskPriorityOfSecurity Create a new task priority for Security sensitive tasks   GeorgeClark
CopyingToExistingTopic Copying the topic contents from one page to an already existing page    
DatabaseStore Database store, or database cache, for high performance Tasks.Item9715 CrawfordCurrie 2.0
DeprecateTinyMCEPluginInitPreference Replace TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT preference with topic section Tasks.Item8416, Tasks.Item9210 PaulHarvey
EasierMirroringOfExtensionRepositories Simplify building and using local extension repositories Tasks.Item8804 GeorgeClark
ExcelImportExportPluginNoFormsFeature It would be an improvement if the ExcelImportExportPlugin handles excel tables without having a foswiki form defined Tasks.Item8177 SvenHess
GroupPermissionsForFilterPlugin Extend FilterPlugin with group permissions    
KeystrokesForSlideShowPlugin Enhance Slide Show Plugin for keystroke shortcuts     2.0
MacroForRetrievingFieldDefaultValues We need to centralise into core the means to retrieve field default values    
ModPerlStartupScript Distribute suggested by ApacheConfigGenerator to improve efficiency   JoshuaCharlesCampbell, WillNorris
PingCommand Ping Command for IF Statement    
SAMLAuthenticationLogin SAML Authentication Login   TimothyLegge
SpecialNonWikiwordLinking We should be able to link Task2468 and Question1357    
SupportPermanentLinks It would be nice if Foswiki provided invariant links, that work even if a topic is moved or renamed.   OliverKrueger
      CrawfordCurrie: 1
GeorgeClark: 2
JoshuaCharlesCampbell: 1
OliverKrueger: 1
PaulHarvey: 1
SvenDowideit: 1
SvenHess: 1
WillNorris: 1
TimothyLegge: 1
<nop>: 13
<nop>2.0: 2
Number of topics: 15

Topic revision: r3 - 19 Nov 2015, GeorgeClark - This page was cached on 05 May 2024 - 16:41.

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