Development of Development

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Recently modified topics: CodeAttributionDiscussion, FoswikiNOTHeadingForDoom, GitConversionTasks, RequirementsAnalysis, FoswikiMicroBlogging, TopicStructureForFoswikiExtensionsTalk, CommittedDeveloper, WebFormManagement, GSoCStudentApplication, GSoCStudentApplicationForm, FoswikiCacheTalk, FoswikiUserPersonas, WebsitePersonas

Results from Development web retrieved at 00:18 (GMT)

Code attribution discussion How do we deal with code attribution of twiki code? This question has come up because of a copyright change in the .EditTablePlugin t...
Committed Developer Any ChangeProposal for new features must have a committed developer to be taken seriously. It is obvious that the developer community cannot a...
FoswikiCacheTalk Good idea not sure that the all encompassing term 'TWiki cache' should be used for this though, as it could easily be confused with the many ty...
FoswikiMicroBlogging Foswiki Micro blogging Foswiki is a great platform for communications, both legacy and ongoing status updates, but the foswiki community is ...
Foswiki NOT Heading For Doom (Maybe) Below are the opinions of one apparently disgruntled developer. Is the Foswiki "glass" half full or half empty? As the Relea...
Foswiki User Personas Persona descriptions to provide context to improve user workflows. Lena, end user (advanced) Context Lena is project manager at 'collabora...
Google Summer of Code Student Application You must register on this site first (you will need a valid email address), then complete the following form (E mail to ...
Name Type Size Value Tooltip Attributes UserName text 80 Your wiki user name H
git Conversion Tasks What's needed Our discussion topics are getting long, and the stuff we need to do is getting lost in the noise. A lot of this changes quite...
Requirements Analysis Analysis of Supported Environments * Configure Requirements For Deployment Special environment requirements for configure Analysi...
TopicStructureForFoswikiExtensionsTalk i've added a link to the Development topic from Tasks.Component. now you can reach the download, support, and development p...
Re: I agree that Structured Data is one of the most powerful but underused features of Foswiki and appla...
Website Personas Note: The content on this page was created on the TWiki project by Foswiki community members (who were TWiki community members back then). As...
Number of topics: 13

Topic revision: r2 - 25 Feb 2020, MichaelDaum
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